National Medical Equipment Forum & Inaugural Meeting of CPAM Medical Equipment Science and Technology Development Center was held in Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Renji Hospital on September 3. Patroller Zhang Hanxiang from the Center of Inspection and Supervision, National Health and Family Planning Commission, Jiusan Society central commissioner, chief engineer Guo Yuan from Electronic Component Industrial Development Center of Ministry of Industry and Information, former researcher of Torch Center of Ministry of Science and Technology Ma Yanmin, chief Wang Fan from Economic Reference Consultant Department of State Council Development Research Center, deputy secretary general Wang Yanrui from CPAM, etc. attended the meeting. Ge Junbo from Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital was elected the first chief commissioner, Zhang Jian, director of Hospital Asset Management Office of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Renji Hospital was elected the deputy chief commissioner and secretary general, Yu Ying, vice president of Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences was elected the deputy chief commissioner.
According to the introduction of chief deputy commissioner Zhang Jian, Medical Equipment Science and Technology Development Center is affiliated to CPAM, and the center is established to support the technical innovation process management and technical achievement commercialization project in the area of domestic medical equipment through policy guide; promote high merger of domestic medical equipment producer, researcher and medical institution in multi-area and multi-discipline; promote the exploration and practice of domestication and localization of medical equipment.
At present, the medical insurance expenditure in China in 2015 was nearly RMB 5000 billion, in which medical inspection fee accounted for 40%. The main reason why the medical inspection fee is so high is that the large high-end medical equipment, device in hospitals in China basically depend on import, the cost of importing a high-end large medical equipment is thousands, the cost of purchase, maintenance and operation is high, together with the restriction of service life, the medical inspection fee stays at a high level and increases the medical burden of the country and patient. The problem of expensive medical inspection will not be effectively solved if this situation is not solved.
It is learned that the national “thirteenth five-year program”, Made in China 2025 have clearly listed domestic high-performance medical equipment as key development industry and elevated to the height of national strategy. Domestication and localization of R&D, production, management of medical device are encouraged to reduce the cost of medical device, accelerate the realization of “Healthy China”, cultivate domestic medical device brand, and participate in world competition.
TOPMED is invited to attend the meeting as the national enterprise representative